The UWS Centre for Social, Health and Environmental Inequalities (SHEI) is a transdisciplinary research centre aimed at producing new perspectives on social, health and environmental injustice. Our signature research takes an intersectional approach to understanding the social, structural, and systemic ‘causes of causes’ of inequalities and visioning equitable futures in three interrelated domains: 1) Inequality and intersectionality; 2) Health and Well-Being; and 3) Sustainable Communities and Environmental Change.
The Centre leads cutting-edge research across disciplinary divides drawing on a wide constituency of expertise. Our emphasis on community-engaged research and collaborative knowledge co-production involves key stakeholders from policy, practice and affected communities in all stages of our research. Our approach aims to deliver clear implementation pathways for the translation of findings into policy and practice for real world impact.
Professor Aileen O’Gorman
Email address: aileen.ogorman@uws.ac.uk
School of Education and Social Sciences
Social, health and environmental inequalities are intertwined areas of global concern. There is an urgent need for transformative research to address these complex and entrenched challenges. The Centre’s research takes a novel intersectional approach to understand the social, structural, and systemic ‘causes of causes’ of inequalities and vision equitable futures through intersectional policy and whole system approaches in three interrelated domains:
- Inequality and Intersectionality (e.g., structures and systems shaping multiple intersecting inequalities).
- Health and Well-Being (e.g., physical and mental health, drug/alcohol related harms, poverty and precarity).
- Sustainable Communities and Environmental Change (e.g., environmental stressors that create/ exacerbate inequality).
Addressing global and local health inequality challenges from an intersectional perspective.
- Health and well-being are inextricable from socioeconomic, political, and cultural contexts and differentiated by social class, gender, ethnicity, age etc. A large volume of research by Centre members (on topics such as mental health, stigma, substance use, physical health and climate change in Scotland, RUK, EU and Southeast Asia) applies an intersectional lens to understand complex inter-related needs and develop novel targeted interventions to reduce health inequalities locally and globally.
Reframing Addictions: Addressing the wider determinants of substance use harms through a whole systems approach.
- Rates of drug-related deaths in Scotland are amongst the highest internationally and have become a leading cause of premature mortality among young adults in Scotland. Our research indicates that drug-related harms and ‘deaths of despair’ are situated within broader socio-political contexts characterised by inequalities and constrained social, welfare and health care systems and require a broad population health approach.
Inclusion and pedagogy.
- Centre members are involved in a substantial body of work that targets inclusion in Higher Education (widening access), student retention, gender equity in STEM subjects, anti-racist practice, addressing educational inequalities and learning needs in the school system, and community education.
Professor Aileen O’Gorman (Director)
Professor of Substance Use and Social Policy (School of Education and Social Sciences)
Email: aileen.ogorman@uws.ac.uk
PURE profile link: https://research-portal.uws.ac.uk/en/persons/aileen-ogorman
Professor Fiona Harris (Deputy Director)
Professor of Mental Health (School of Health and Life Sciences)
Email: Fiona.Harris@uws.ac.uk
PURE profile link: https://research-portal.uws.ac.uk/en/persons/fiona-harris
Dr Annette Coburn
Senior Lecturer Community Education (School of Education and Social Sciences)
Email: Annette.Coburn@uws.ac.uk
PURE profile: https://research-portal.uws.ac.uk/en/persons/annette-coburn
Dr Karen Dunleavy
Postdoctoral Research Fellow (School of Education and Social Sciences)
Email: Karen.Dunleavy@uws.ac.uk
PURE profile: https://research-portal.uws.ac.uk/en/persons/karen-dunleavy
Dr Suzanne Heron
Lecturer in Mental Health and Integrated Practice (School of Health and Life Sciences)
Email: Suzanne.Heron@uws.ac.uk
PURE profile: https://research-portal.uws.ac.uk/en/persons/suzanne-heron
Dr Greig Inglis
Lecturer Psychology (School of Education and Social Sciences)
Email: Greig.Inglis@uws.ac.uk
PURE profile: https://research-portal.uws.ac.uk/en/persons/greig-inglis
Elizabeth McLaughlin
Senior Lecturer and Programme Lead: MA Broadcast Journalism (School of Business and Creative Industries)
Email: Elizabeth.McLaughlin@uws.ac.uk
PURE profile: https://research-portal.uws.ac.uk/en/persons/elizabeth-mclaughlin
Dr Khadija Mohammed
Senior Lecturer Education and Associate Dean for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (School of Education and Social Sciences)
Email: Khadija.Mohammed@uws.ac.uk
PURE profile: https://research-portal.uws.ac.uk/en/persons/khadija-mohammed
Associate Members UWS
Dr Rebecca Gordon
Lecturer (School of Education and Social Sciences)
Email: Rebecca.Gordon@uws.ac.uk
PURE profile: https://www.uws.ac.uk/staff-directory/rebecca-gordon/
Paula Gow
Lecturer (School of Education and Social Sciences)
Email: Paula.Gow@uws.ac.uk
PURE profile: https://research-portal.uws.ac.uk/en/persons/paula-gow
Dr Silvio Hofmann
Lecturer in Human Resource Management (School of Business and Creative Industries)
Email: Silvio.Hofmann@uws.ac.uk
PURE profile: https://research-portal.uws.ac.uk/en/persons/silvio-hofmann/publications/
Dr Lorna Love
School Enhancement Developer (School of Computing, Engineering and Physical Sciences)
Email: Lorna.Love@uws.ac.uk
Dr Aisling McBride
Lecturer Mental Health Nursing (School of Health and Life Sciences)
Email: Aisling.McBride@uws.ac.uk
PURE profile: https://research-portal.uws.ac.uk/en/persons/aisling-mcbride-2
Dr Hartwig Pautz
Senior Lecturer Politics (School of Education and Social Sciences)
Email: Hartwig.Pautz@uws.ac.uk
PURE profile: https://research-portal.uws.ac.uk/en/persons/hartwig-pautz
Dr Kae Reynolds
Senior Lecturer in Leadership (School of Business and Creative Industries)
Email: Kae.reynolds@uws.ac.uk
PURE profile: https://research-portal.uws.ac.uk/en/persons/kae-reynolds
Dr Laura Roe
Postdoctoral Research Fellow (School of Education and Social Sciences)
Email: Laura.Roe@uws.ac.uk
PURE profile: https://research-portal.uws.ac.uk/en/persons/laura-roe
Professor Muhammad Zeeshan Shakir
Professor of Wireless Communications (School of Computing, Engineering and Physical Sciences)
Email: Muhammad.Shakir@uws.ac.uk
PURE profile: https://research-portal.uws.ac.uk/en/persons/muhammad-zeeshan-shakir-shakir
Dr Dina Sidhva
Lecturer Social Work (School of Education and Social Sciences)
Email: Dina.Sidhva@uws.ac.uk
PURE profile: https://research-portal.uws.ac.uk/en/persons/dina-sidhva
Dr Melody Terras
Senior Lecturer Psychology (School of Education and Social Sciences)
Email: Melody.Terras@uws.ac.uk
PURE profile: https://research-portal.uws.ac.uk/en/persons/melody-terras
Dr Laurie Walden
Lecturer Education
Email: Laurie.Walden@uws.ac.uk
PURE profile: https://research-portal.uws.ac.uk/en/persons/laurie-walden/activities/
External Collaborations and Partners
Centre members collaborate with a number of national and international agencies including Action Against Stalking; Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, Middlesex University; Drugs Research Network Scotland; European Society for Social Drugs Research; Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare; Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations; Highlands Alcohol and Drug Partnership; International Society for the Study of Drugs Policy; Mental Health Foundation; Ministry of Health, Malaysia; Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health Professions (NMAHP) Research Unit, University of Stirling; Oxfam Scotland; Poverty Alliance; Scottish Drugs Forum; Scottish Institute for Public Interest Journalism; Simon Community Scotland; Turning Point Scotland; Women in Journalism Scotland.