Funding your studies at UWS
This section is designed to help eligible borrowers (US Citizens and eligible non-US-citizens) and their families successfully access the funding they need to pay for their education at UWS.
US loans are managed at the University by the FSA-Scholarships staff. If you have any queries about US loans please feel free to contact the staff on Our role is make the process as straight forward as we can and to make sure you can find the information and resources needed to fund your studies. The FSA-Scholarship staff liaise with our International, Admissions, Finance and Student Administration Teams at the University to support you through your application and enrolment process.
Using the US government loan programs outside of the United States might be different to what you and your family have experienced previously. Here we outline how to get aid, what things are different and what you need to do in order to successfully fund your studies.
The information provided in this section provides an overview of the aid available specifically for US Citizens and eligible non-US-citizens.
US Loans
The folowing lins provide a wealth of information pertaining to US Federal Student Aid loans for eligible US citizens and non-US citizens when applying for funds to study overseas.