Studying and taking on the role as Key Worker for 10 children is hard work, but Alistair Mack says that it’s all worth it. Alistair is studying on UWS’s Graduate Apprenticeship (GA) in Early Learning & Childcare while also working full-time in an Early Childcare Centre (ECC).
“I have plenty of support from both the University and my workplace,” says Alistair. “I feel like I am handling it well.”
And Alistair can see all of the hard work paying off with his practice improving every day from the knowledge grained on the course. “It’s great to see things we’ve learned about or spoken about in university unfolding in front of my eyes at work.
“Ever since completing my master’s degree I had wanted to take the next step and obtain a doctorate,” says Gareth. “My background was in accounting and I chose the DProf rather than a DBA or a PhD as I wanted to look at my area of expertise from a social sciences perspective. The diverse background of the cohort contributed to my research in ways which differed from that I would have encountered within an homogenous business-group cohort.”
The DProf allows students to develop transferable skills in advanced applied research as well as in-depth expertise specifically related to the students’ profession through a two-year taught phase, before moving on to the research phase. It is delivered on a blended learning, part-time basis that lets you study whilst you build your career.
Gareth’s career has gone to new heights as a result of his DProf studies. At the start of his studies, Gareth worked as an accountant at Nationwide International on the Isle of Man. During his time at UWS, Nationwide Building Society divested from the island and Gareth reinvented himself as a consultant.
“Without the UWS studies that I was undertaking, I would not have been granted the senior position in the Isle of Man Treasury and Internal Audit Division that I have obtained, and been given significant responsibilities that had immediate governance implications island-wide. The Isle of Man Government knew and understood the value that a UWS education was able to bring, updating my forty years in financial services with leading thought brought about through reflective critical thinking.”
Not content with this role, Gareth has also gone on to have an article accepted for publication in a leading financial journal.
So, would Gareth recommend the DProf at UWS? You bet he would! “As a result of my studies, I have gained an increased reputation amongst my professional community of practice. Studying the DProf will create a high-quality, professional and academic accreditation platform to work from for your future life and working career.”
Find out more about our Doctor of Professional Studies (DProf) programme.