University Ethics
At UWS we’re committed to ethical behaviour in all we do.
All students and staff must strive to meet the highest standards of academic rigour and professionalism. This includes integrity in research and education.
Our code of ethics sets out our approach. It outlines:
- how we raise the ethical awareness of staff and students
- the policies and guidelines we follow
- how we monitor the ethical dimension of our activities

UWS Code of Ethics
Our Code of Ethics establishes the University’s approach to raising the ethical awareness of staff and students, and ensuring that all that we do is underpinned by global and future-focussed principles of fairness and opportunity. This Code includes references to our policies and guidelines that implement our commitment to these principles. It also sets out the mechanisms for ethical monitoring and review of all our activities.
View our UWS Code of Ethics in the Research section of our UWS Policies, Procedures and Guidance webpage by clicking the link below:
Ethical Research
At UWS we're committed to conducting education, research and enterprise activities to the highest standard of rigour and professionalism. This includes integrity in all of our research activities.
Incorporating Ethical Awareness
UWS students and staff undertaking research projects or degrees must be aware of any/all ethical issues associated with their project and of the appropriate channels for seeking ethical approval.
All of our research activities must conform to national legislation, all relevant national and international codes of practice, and the policies and guidelines of the University.
University Academic Integrity & Ethics Committee (UAIEC)
As a Senate committee, the University Academic Integrity & Ethics Committee (UAIEC) will consider general ethical issues relating to University activity, specifically, but not exclusively research activity. UAIEC does not consider applications for ethical approval but it oversees the Appeals process.
The Committee monitors the quality of ethical applications and ensures the approval process is conducted in a fair and independent manner.
It convenes at least three time per annum.
UAIEC Terms of Reference
More formally, UAIEC is a committee whose purpose and terms of remit is to:
- appoint Institutional Ethics Applications Review Panels to receive, consider and make decisions, where appropriate, on ethical issues and applications for ethical review raised by School Academic Integrity and Ethics Committees
- consider and provide guidance, where appropriate, on general ethical issues relating to University academic activity
- have oversight of the operation, monitoring, evaluation, dissemination and review of the University Code of Ethics and Guidelines for Ethical Practice in Research & Scholarship
- provide formal guidance and advice to Schools on academic integrity and ethics
- consider and approve proposed School Academic Integrity and Ethics Committees membership & procedures
- oversee the ethics appeals processes
- receive annual reports from School Academic Integrity and Ethics Committees (SAIECs) on all aspects of academic integrity and ethics, including reporting on research misconduct
- ensure that students and staff are aware of the importance of considering ethical issues and of the appropriate channels for seeking ethical approval
- report to Senate and provide an annual report to the Research & Innovation Committee (RIC) and Learning & Teaching Committee (LTC), detailing relevant academic integrity, ethical and compliance issues
- provide oversight of commitments in the Concordat to Support Research Integrity and other existing and emerging mechanisms in support of Academic Integrity and Ethics including the Academic Freedom Statement
For more information on UAIEC, including membership, frequency of meetings etc., check out the UWS Committee Framework.
UAIEC & School Academic Integrity and Ethics Committees
Academic Schools operate their own School Academic Integrity and Ethics Committee (SAIEC). Each SAIEC reports into the UAIEC.
All research applications for ethical approval will be considered by the relevant school committee/contact (see below).
Ethics Committees
UAIEC oversees our general approach. It receives reports from each of the SAIECs in our academic Schools. UAIEC oversees the Appeals process.
Links to relevant SAIEC-related documents
Submitting an Ethics Review Application

UWS uses an online system to enable you to submit applications for ethical approval to conduct research - Ethical Review Manager (ERM) System. Your ERM application can be saved and completed in stages then submitted when all the information has been populated. You can also upload supporting documents. A built-in workflow will send any submitted applications to the Chair of the Ethics Review Committee for your School who will make a decision on your application. You will receive an email to inform you of any progress updates regrding your application submission.
Download UWS Ethical Review Manager (ERM) System Guide (pdf)School Academic Integrity & Ethics Committee Guidelines

School of Business & Creative Industries
An overview and guidance to the approach adopted within the School of Business and Creative Industries for ethical scrutiny/approval of all research and scholarly activities.
More on BCI Ethical Guidance (pdf)
School of Computing, Engineering & Physical Sciences
These guidelines outline the ethical approval process required for all research based activities (commercial and consultancy work as well as doctoral and student projects) undertaken in the Computing, Engineering & Physical Sciences.
More on CEPS Ethical Guidance (pdf)
School of Education & Social Sciences
These guidelines present an ethical framework and procedures for the conduct of all academic activity to identify ethical considerations that should be addressed through the formal approval process.
More on ESS Ethical Guidance (pdf)
School of Health and Life Sciences
These guidelines outline the ethical consideration and review processes that are required for all health-related projects undertaken in an academic context.
More of HLS Ethical Guidance (pdf)School contact
School of Business & Creative Industries
School of Education & Social Science
School of Engineering, Computing & Physical Sciences
School of Health & Life Sciences
Chair of UAIEC
Professor Milan Radosavljevic, Pro-Vice Chancellor for Research, Innovation and Engagement is the current chair of UAIEC.