Supporting you
UWS is an inclusive and accessible modern university. Every student should have a positive university experience, regardless of their personal circumstances.
We have a diverse student population and so work to provide our services on a case-by-case basis. We consider each student's unique circumstances and how to best meet their individual needs.
You can find out more about the services available to support student studies and wellbeing.
If you're a parent planning to study at UWS, childcare will be a consideration. It's important you find the right childcare provider for you. And that have access to any funding that you may be entitled to to help you meet the cost of this.
At UWS, we do not have childcare facilities. However, we can offer childcare funding to students who demonstrate a need for additional financial support. Visit Money, Fees and Funding to see the support that might be available through your statutory student support package. You'll also see the discretionary and childcare funds available, along with application guidelines.
It's important that you research the funding options available to you before you commit to any childcare contracts. We recommend applying as early as possible for your statutory student support.
We also start accepting applications to the discretionary and childcare funds as early as 1st July. That means you can receive a decision about the funding you are eligible for before terms starts.
As a University student, you must undertake independent study, as well as attending classes and lectures. Our childcare fund procedures take this into account. You do not need you to wait until you have a timetable before you can apply.
The funding is flexible. If you need help sourcing childcare, the following organisations may be able to assist:
- Scottish Childminding Association - providing advice on how to choose a childminder to suit your needs
- National Day Nurseries Association - providing advice and helpful resources for parents looking for appropriate childcare
Suporting Student Carers, Care-Experienced & Estranged Students
Being a student carer, a care-experienced student or an estranged student can have a big impact on your life and studies.
We have a dedicated team to support as you make the transition to university study. They'll also help get the most out of your time whilst you're a UWS student. Contact our team for more information: WeCare@uws.ac.uk
We provide a wide range of support for our students. These include:
Supporting applicants making the transition to UWS
- Contacted early in the process of starting university
- Provide assistance during your UCAS or SAAS applications
- 1 to 1 advice sessions
- Access to student funding and housing advice
- Provide assistance to help you prepare for and make the and transition into degree level studies
Supporting ongoing study at UWS
- Provide priority access to UWS student accommodation, 365 days of the year
- Provide priority access to the Digital Hardship Scheme
- Access to UWS discretionary funds to help you during your studies
- Access to the Academic Skills Team and services and support in liaison with your Personal Tutor and Academic School
- Access to Counselling to support emotional wellbeing and development
- Access to Silver Cloud, a skill building tool to manage mental health and wellness
- Access to the UWS Career Services during and after your studies
UWS is a Corporate Parent
UWS is a proud Corporate Parent. We have a strong tradition of working with care-experienced applicants and students.
View the UWS Corporate Parenting Plan 2024
We work in partnership with WhoCares? Scotland to provide annual Corporate Parenting Training to staff at all levels within the University. The content of this training is fully-informed by the voice of care-experienced people to support UWS staff’s knowledge and understanding of Care Experience.
Silvercloud is an interactive and engaging Cognitive Behavioural Therapy tool. It gives students access to online modules, including:
- understanding feelings
- facing your fears
- spotting and challenging thoughts
- managing worry
It's easy to use and is accessible on computers, tablets and mobile phones. Silver Cloud is available to all UWS students.